NEMO Fund buys an office building in Karlín

The NEMO real estate fund adds another office building to its portfolio: Apeiron, also known as Rubín, in Prague’s Karlín neighbourhood.  With the acquisition, the value of NEMO’s portfolio crossed CZK 2 billion. 

The NEMO real estate fund, which focuses primarily on office projects in Prague, has thus increased the area of its commercial properties to nearly 30,000 sq m.  The fund’s founder is the Českomoravská Nemovitostní (ČMN) real estate group.

“The Apeiron building meets all of the criteria that NEMO requires as part of its investment strategy.  Furthermore, Prague’s Karlín is a location which is developing dynamically and has a very low risk due to its attractiveness for tenants,” says Josef Eim, Vice-Chairman of the Management Board of the ČMN real estate group.

The superbly accessible Apeiron office building

The modern eight-storey office building located directly at Křižíkova metro station offers more than 12,000 sq m in office space and boasts excellent accessibility by all modes of transport.  The architectural design of the building is the work of architect Václav Aulický, who became widely known for his design of the Žižkov TV Tower.  The building underwent extensive renovations in 2019.  Its largest tenants include SWIETELSKY Stavební, the state-owned company OTE, and the world-renowned Ericsson.

The Fund’s rate of return exceeds inflation

The NEMO fund, which aims to deliver to its investors a long-term return of 1 to 2 percentage points above inflation, is one of the best performing retail real estate funds.  The expansion of NEMO’s portfolio will bring its investors a higher level of diversification while having a positive impact on the fund’s performance.

The fund’s portfolio is currently comprised of four office buildings located in Prague.  Aside from the newly acquired Apeiron building, these include the Nestlé headquarters in Modřany, an eight-storey building in the upper part of Wenceslas Square, and a multifunctional office building on Pekařská Street on the west side of Prague.  The largest tenants renting buildings from the fund’s portfolio include Nestlé and Siemens. 

The NEMO fund

The NEMO Fund invests primarily in projects in Prague that have a consistent rental yield potential that is sustainable in the long term.  They are already operating projects with quality tenants and with the longest possible contractual lease term. Investments in the fund start at CZK 500 and in its more than two-year history, the fund has maintained an average rate of return of more than 4.5% per annum and has not had a single losing month.