The real estate fund NEMO delivered one of the best returns on the market last year. The number of investors increased by half

In 2023, the real estate fund NEMO achieved a return of 7.21%. This placed it among the top-performing retail real estate funds in the Czech market. The total return since the fund's inception in June 2019 has already exceeded the 30% threshold. Moreover, NEMO has also seen success in attracting new investors, with their number now exceeding 8,600, which is half as many again as the previous year.

The favorable results of the fund are primarily attributed to its focus on premium office properties in sought-after locations in Prague. NEMO's portfolio includes buildings such as Corso Karlín and Apeiron, which are sought after by stable tenants from both Czech and international companies.

NEMO benefits, among other things, from the long-standing shortage of quality office and commercial spaces for rent in Prague. This allows the fund to reflect inflation in rental prices and achieve an exceptionally high occupancy rate of 97.7%.

The fund also succeeds in attracting new tenants to its properties, such as the design furniture manufacturer Alax in Corso Karlín. The building at Pekařská 6 has welcomed both a new branch of Fitness Clinic and an expansion of leased space by the company Stock Plzeň - Božkov. Currently, the properties in NEMO's portfolio have around sixty creditworthy tenants.

A new development for investors will be the opportunity to utilize the NEMO fund within their pension plans. Securities trader Colosseum will include NEMO in the offering of a so-called long-term investment product (DIP) during the first quarter of this year – a tax-advantaged tool for securing financial stability in retirement. Investors in the NEMO fund will be able to deduct up to 48,000 Czech korunas annually from their taxes when using the DIP.

Fund Founder: Českomoravská Nemovitostní a.s.
Exclusive Distributor: Colosseum, a.s.